Genealogy social designs

Turnstone Genealogy takes it’s name from a bird, and like their namesake they aim to leave no stone unturned when it comes to their client’s search.

When COVID hit Turnstone knew that they had to be agile in their response. They quickly set up a social group for families wishing to learn skills & tips for starting family history conversations. Story Seeds was born almost immediately.

Turnstone Genealogy Identity

Turnstone Genealogy Identity

Story Seeds Identity development

Story Seeds Identity development

Story Seeds Social Media Headline Image in development.

Story Seeds Social Media Headline Image in development.

Southside Free Food Map

A comprehensive guide to FREE FOOD !

Proud to have been asked yet again by Govanhill Baths to design an essential community information leaflet !

The Southside FREE Food Map is a listings of all Food Banks, Soup kitchens, Community Meals and Community Growing groups that take place WEEKLY in the Southside of Glasgow. The generosity and "can do" attitude of these organisations gets you right in the feels ! However, the appalling fact that so many people can't afford to feed themselves is sobering. BIG LOVE to Govanhill Baths for once again responding to the needs of their Community in such a positive way x

Govanhill Bath's "FREE Food Map" - May 2017

Govanhill Bath's "FREE Food Map" - May 2017

Creative Re-use at the Tramway

Creative Reuse with the TOPS Parents Programme.

Claire Barclay with the TOPS Programme @Tramway, Glasgow April 2017

Claire Barclay with the TOPS Programme @Tramway, Glasgow April 2017

It's not everyday you get to rummage around in Contemporary Art recycling bins. However, courtesy of the Tramway, Glasgow - that's exactly what we did !

Several months ago contemporary artist Claire Barclay approached me with the idea of combining forces on a community reuse project. The idea was simple, create an installation using the excess and offcuts from her exhibition. This ended up being a tough gig as Claire is actually very frugal with her materials - Nothing goes to waste !

The second challenge was to engage a group of Mums from the TOPS Young Parents Programme. Our ambition was to challenge 'shop bought' play items and question whether they stifle or encourage imaginative play.

Collectively we created "A Place to Play" ! which was on display in conjunction with Claire's show "Yield Point".

It was a joy to see Claire explain the motivations behind her installation, and to hear the insightful questions from the group - it was their first brush with Contemporary Art ! When it came to making and play, the group came into their own. There was no stopping them. Their energy & enthusiasm is apparent in the final work which beckons you to come and play !

A joyful project and final interactive installation. The gallery staff reported children whooping with delight all day long. Kids dive bombing and fiddle with an exhibition is a rare treat indeed !

Community Shares identity

The Govanhill Baths are launching their Community Share Campaign to raise the shortfall of heritage and lottery funding. Also giving the locals a chance to invest their money in a new exciting local facility !

The design was a slight departure from the existing identity, introduction of more graphic elements and colours - the brief said bold and bright so that's what they got !

Community Shares A1 poster !

Community Shares A1 poster !

SEA Identity

South East Arts Network in Glasgow commissioned me to get creative with their name and create an identity for them ! Never met the crazy cats ! But get creative I did ! 

I like the result even if it none of the conceptual rigour that I usually employ ... ahem !

What's On Programme

Hot of the Press !

Govanhill Baths Programme just delivered ! Bursting with events, everything from Furniture up-cycling to Flyfishing (NO REALLY!) Great job of printing and finishing from Sean @ Hampden Advertising.

Really pleased, the recycled matt paper gives a good weight and finish but perhaps needs a satin cover to provide the punchy contrast needed to attract attention ?!

Have a look for yourself  !

Govanhill Baths

Okay it's fair to say that I am super-excited about our local Community-led Swimming Baths being awarded *ALL* of it's grant funding. That is something to celebrate, but the cherry on top is that I've been given the task of creating marketing materials for the pool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know calm down !

As with most charities there's no brand as such, a hodge podge of work carried out by various volunteers - albeit incredibly talent ones - over the years ! 

Not ideal, I'm creating my own set of design rules as each week sees a request for something new. Here's how I've got on so far, some designs have already released into the wild.


Banner thanking Govanhill for it's continued support of the Campaign to reopen the Baths.

Banner thanking Govanhill for it's continued support of the Campaign to reopen the Baths.

Badges promoting the "I AM A GOVANHILL SWIMMER" fundraising campaign

Badges promoting the "I AM A GOVANHILL SWIMMER" fundraising campaign

Doctors, Design and chips in Whitely Bay.

Last week saw a trip to the lovely Whitley Bay to yet again explore the murky theme of textile waste. In reality it was a chance for the TT Team to come together to investigate how we may further engage with this topic.

Dr Clare Hussey, Shirley Maclauchlan and myself told stories of our own experience, and explored our common threads, all under the watchful eye of Dr Emma Jeffries who made sure we didn't stray too far off topic. 

Dr Clare of I love factories - and believe me she does - spoke of her first hand experience in industry, and the dismantling of several much loved Northern enterprises. Shirley Mclauchlin spoke of the need to preserve and pass down traditional handskills, and the important role of Designers as part of the solution, while I shared stories from my Upcycling escapades - blankets being made into School Coats and Pyjama Factory off cuts being made into Rag Rugs by children to "keep them busy" over the winter season.  Chinese Medicine, Social Philanthropy and party boats all made an appearance, but as ever seemingly disparate topics all came together to form a cohesive whole.

What arose was the desire to hold the tension between observable ancient wisdom, knowledge that extends beyond a single lifetime and the desire for fast paced innovation and its resulting obsolescence (man and materials). Perhaps serving as a counterpoint to one another.

I was thrilled to work with Dr Emma Jeffries (Design Doctor) who spoke of her latest planned adventure "Compassion in the Workplace World Tour" but until the research and eventual book release, I will be leafing my way through her previous published "World Tour" and accompanying book Design Transitions, on how Design is evolving globally.

The two day odyssey was finished off with a bag of chips and cheese patties at the harbour ... YUM !

Feeling excited and encouraged to keep going on this journey with such inspiring companions !