Rags to Riches

I was overjoyed when asked to design an identity for a brand new social enterprise. Always nice to get a blank slate!  Their business premise, take clothes no longer deemed wanted by society and "up-cycle" them into amazing new products. Whether they will get rich is debatable, but it's a beautiful idea none the less. Local volunteers are trained in up cycling skills, including the "hard to reach unemployed" in the community.

The project has developed along the way to include furniture up cycling which is proving hugely popular ! Last christmas saw the first "This is Not a Craft Fair" and the up cycled design show "This Is Not a Fashion Show". This is the poster for the latter.


Design Outputs:

Logo design

Business Stationery

• Events posters & product labelling tags

• Powerpoint presentation

Additonal Work:

• Business & Marketing Startegy

• Sewing tutor

• Upcycled Product Design